Project "The Future is in Applied Artificial Intelligence" ( FAAI) aims to join together HEIs and businesses in order to address the competencies and compatible job profile. This collaboration will provide innovative solutions to the training of experts in the field of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. The learning framework is based on "IEEE FEDERATED MACHINE LEARNINGWHITE PAPER ”. It will be observed and" THE IEEE GLOBAL INITIATIVE ON ETHICS OF AUTONOMOUS AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS".
In this context, this project aims:

  • bridge the current digital skills gap in part of European Countries following the European Commission's 'e-Skills for jobs' campaign.
  • build an ecosystem of key partners for creating an access port in underrepresented talent pools.
  • identification the underrepresented skills, the rationale behind the phenomenon of talented people who lack the traditional credentials to land a good job in the AI area;
  • promote business opportunities, through an AI Job Hub, between Universities and businesses, including based on the use of effective, artificial intelligence-based solutions in the real world.
  • through AI Job Hub to support the creation of internship programs, PhD student supervision between HEIs and business.
  • launching a new initiatives to ensure that these skills are adequately promoted in the curriculum, in teacher development, in assessment practices and in learning content compound new ICT, BigData and AI trends, new educational tools and learning resources to be collected, processed and disseminated through the Smart AI Job Hub towards the modernization of curricula and to further.

The FAAI project brings together four partners from five European countries: Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Serbia and Montenegro.
To fulfill the aforementioned objectives, the FAAI project includes three teaching/training activities focused on:

  1. HEI trainers
  2. Undergraduate and postgraduate students
  3. Business managers

Furthermore, the project involves the organization of four multiplier events, for the dissemination of the four project work packages ("Good practices in the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning", "Setup the Artificial Intelligence Learning Requirements", " Artificial Intelligence framework for training in HE", "Piloting").